Saturday, March 20, 2010

Key Understanding...

As the guidance increases I am finding that I trust it more. Yesterday my mind got in the way and tried to tell me that I needed more sleep, so I snoozed through my alarm for an hour and a half even though I woke up on my own moments before it went off. The other day, the guidance told me to awake at 3:33 am and do the work...

Yesterday I didn’t do this completely. I thought during the snooze that I was conscious enough to fend off the “hits” that were coming through. But now I know that was not enough. However, I was able to reclaim my sovereignty and the energy of the day aligned with another cleansing...

I had not been able to do much of anything in my home office for the past several months, aside from using it as a dumping ground for all kinds of stuff. It had become stagnant, rooted in the past it seemed. I hadn’t worked in there since December, nor been able to access any creative energy while seated at the 10 year old office chair and 1 year old glass desk. Artwork that was linked to the past hung on the walls, piles of paperwork stacked in the same place it was a year ago, stuff piled on the floor... It was a holding ground for energy, the whole room was an anchor, with a long rode connecting me to the past.

I have purged from my life physical possessions before, but was surprised to see more as I went into the minutia of the room. There were some really little things that surprised me, but I listened to my guides and continued to carry everything out of the house... There were some obvious ones that directly connected me to my past and they were released with Love and Kindness. The ones that surprised me... I had released all of my jewelry, I thought and was surprised to find it still in the room... But then I looked closer and the box that held the little I kept, so innocuous as to be missed so many times, yet so important to release from the house.

Deva observed that objects that had kept current with my spiritual growth, were allowed to stay because they matched my frequency now. The other objects didn’t and were thus linked to my denser, older frequencies that I have released. Yay! Progress! As I continued to sort through the piles, releasing more and more of the past, I began to feel it in my body. Big chunks of stuck energy began to break off of me and begin to recycle, returning to Source. I could feel it and knew not to connect with the feelings and thoughts associated with the process, but rather focus on what I am now.

It was challenging in a physical way, my body giving signs of energetic release. I allowed them to happen, staying completely present and aware, forgiving and releasing myself and others as they came into my awareness. Spending a moment of time with each memory to bless and appreciate it, get my power back and then I let it go for good. Staying aware during the process showed some things as well. For example, I was moving a desk, bookshelf and rolling set of drawers out of the room and I staged them in the carport. At some point I noticed that where I haphazardly placed each item had formed a barrier to me to get out of the carport. For a time, I struggled with my energy levels and ended up taking a nap. When I reclaimed my power enough to continue, I noticed the barrier and broke through it, getting the next step accomplished.

All in all, it was awesome! In letting go, space was allowed for the new and I now have my office back! I can feel the frequency is much higher now and the energy has movement again... I manifested an amazing marble desk that is providing a deep connection to Earth Mother and there is little opportunity for energy to collect now in the Zen-like setting. I will continue to clear this room until it is pristine and shines as brilliantly as possible. Creation happens in this room...

So, I am listening and have come to understand and trust my guides. When I am moved to action from this place of knowing, I must do. No thought, just action. These are the whisperings of my Soul, resonant to the frequency of my original blueprint my actions are guided. There is only this place right now that I am where my consciousness resides. I choose now, releasing all the past that prevents me from stepping completely into this now moment.

My guidance told me to get up before the dreamtime “hits” come in, to be fully conscious, present and aware, using this presence to keep clear of the nefarious influences that try to get me to stray from my path. I listened and here I am. I can feel the influences trying to come in, but I am steadfast in my practice and my purposeful intent is towards the highest good for all creation. And so it is...

This is my day, my time and I am making the most of it... I am the Light of this Body, the Universal One, beyond mind I am a complete Radiant Being...

Spread Love, Spread Peace and share Joy and Happiness...

Blessings to All

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