Friday, April 16, 2010

Little Hawk

It happened the other day. I was working with my teacher and two other Shaman. It was pretty intensive, we were clearing a house and then going to work on one of us. In our line of work, there is much that can get stuck on us, as well as our own stuff that we are clearing. So one of us was going to benefit from the other three. I learned that day just how synergistic our light and power could be when working together. Pulling demons and entities out, dismantling programs, removing layer upon layer of ethereal goo, when he sat up and exclaimed, I am being born! I am a Native American! I need a name... Little Hawk popped into my voice and I spoke it. By his remarks and laying back down I knew it wasn’t for him and he didn’t mention it after that during the remainder of the session.

Now, I admit I have been seeing something unfold here and may have even written about it in the past. But, that moment I wondered if it was for me. I am deepening my roots, and my practice has become very powerful. I knew it that day. Working together the four of us, I worked in 2 sessions and the light returned to each was astounding. The work works I remember hearing in a dream or vision, but I was seeing it before my eyes yet again, but this time the healing power amplified tremendously by our combined efforts.

It was an awesome day and I, too received a healing. It was a week ago and I have been really lit up. Things are flowing effortlessly and much energy is moving. I know who I am and I stand fearless in the face of darkness that may want to prevent me from seeing this dream to fruition. I stand tall for my free will to choose and I choose the Light.

Earlier this week, I wrote the Breakthrough Letter for my book and published it at and have been writing a guided Journey to Remembering there as well. Much is moving in the area of Creation. We even have a dance floor on our back patio! Awesome...

Yesterday I began to work on my book and this afternoon, I was printing the semi-final draft! It is so close... Next for some galley proofs to be shipped out... I went to meditate upon the energy of what had transpired in the past several days and culminated this afternoon. I went in really, really deep and the buffalo spirit came to me. I remembered that he was there that healing day a week ago. And we spoke. He told me things. Little Hawk was indeed an energy about me or me... that part I think my mind is interpreting, so I will check more with my guides. However, the name is for me to understand. I did hand write it below my name on the cover of the book before I could even think about it, there it was in gold ink... Along with the 2-week Journey and the Buffalo Diaries, i guess I am supposed to publish these with the galley proofs... so I will. Still gonna hold off on the name until I understand it better.

Then it happened...

I was deep in meditation, when the hit came in... stealth it was on me before I had a chance to prepare. I was in such a vulnerable place in my sanctuary, I thought I was safe. It was severe and took two remote Shaman an hour to help me clear myself and the house. Then another hour on my own to even begin to feel like I could continue writing.

But I know... Whenever I have been this close before something came in to derail the progress. Not this time, I knew what to do in calling immediately for assistance and saved myself days, if not weeks of repair. So, it is over and done, everything cleared and I am still on the Loving Timeline! Awesome!

So, here goes... Heroes of the Now is almost finished, the galley proofs are the litmus and they are right there in front of me. I just need to align with their arrival and the rest is done... It is all coming to pass, just as I saw it...

Loving Kindness,
the Buffalo Diaries

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