Tuesday, April 13, 2010

the Raven

I just did ceremony around the house, offering tobacco at the four corners of the property. At each corner, as well as the gates and doorways, I said a prayer with purposeful intent to the four directions. I asked the Spirits, Guides and Helpers to protect our house and family. To only allow the highest and best good to pass through and into our space. I intend to create and hold a sacred space around the entirety of our house and grounds, a sanctuary from the outside world where only Love and Kindness exist.

As I was finishing, Raven came to me and perched. He spoke of many things and showed me much wisdom that I already had. He told me to believe in myself, my intuition and to continue on the path I am aligned with. He said all would be, just as it is supposed to be and there would be abundance and joy in the coming days. Remain present and clear, as the time is approaching to step fully into a new experience, he shared. He flew into my heart and swept it clear of residual fears and doubt, opening an even greater understanding of my practice. He showed me things...

Continue, was his last word...

And so I do, following the beat of my heart in unison with the rhythm of All that Is.

Shining the Light of my Clarity, I steady my frame, see the moves, feel the beat and move...

Love and Kindness,


check out heroesofthenow.com where I have been guiding a 2-week journey to remembering...

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